
A quick and easy snack. You can eat them right away or chilled 🙂 ...

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COMMIT TO THEIR GOALS Successful people know it takes sacrifice and hard work to reach their goal. They get comfortable with being uncomfortable until their comfortable..get my drift? They say no to instant satisfaction for the sake of ...

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Some of us can knock out wall balls, others dread tossing the ball. But each of us can improve, right? Here are some tips to set up for the wall ball. Set Up- Pick up your Med Ball ...

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What are they? Do I need them? How often should I take one? Rest days are days spent with little to no physical exertion. An ideal rest day is one that doesn’t require your heart rate to skyrocket ...

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How to do a V-Up: Here are the steps to performing V-Ups: Lie on your back and extend your arms behind your head. Keep your feet together and toes pointed.Keep your legs straight and lift them up as ...

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Have you ever had the goal of finishing a running race? Whether it be a 5k or a marathon, CrossFit can greatly complement a training plan for long distance running! I have run two marathons in my life. ...

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